Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Civic & Business Leadership Event - UK

Added Friday, October 21, 2011 View full list    Print version    
Stoke-on-Trent has long been one of England's most financially deprived areas, with relatively high unemployment and a low level of civic pride.

In an effort to lift public confidence and encourage bold innovation to reshape the city's future, 2020Plus, the London-based think tank, combined with Avodah Enterprises Ltd and Breathe City Church to host the recent 2020Plus Civic and Business Leadership Event.

The midweek breakfast sessions brought together leaders from both business and civic sectors of the community, for networking and to hear two leadership presentations by Mal Fletcher, the chairman of 2020Plus and director of Next Wave International.

The sessions focused on building a culture of confidence and enlisting the support and creativity of the Millennial generation. The material was very well received and interest is high in a planned follow-on event which is scheduled for March 8, 2012.

Introducing the sessions, host James Galloway - leader of Avodah and pastor of Breathe City Church - explained that the 2020Plus concept is being hosted in various cities across the UK over the next two years.

During his brief visit to Stoke, a city he has visited a number of times before, Mal was interviewed by BBC Radio and the Sentinel, the major regional newspaper.

Click here to watch video clips from the sessions on the 2020Plus website.

Click here to access the BBC Radio interview: 'Leadership and the Future of Cities'.

Keywords: stoke-on-trent | leadership event | future | futurism | future leadership | avodah enterprises

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Great to see the Ramalamadingdong animation again! I think your article on Debunking The Great Media Myths captures a number of the essences of why we need to adapt our styles as Christians to the way we use TV.
Tim, UK

I appreciated reading about the great visionary, Martin Luther King Jnr, in Daily Recharge...I'm an avid follower of Recharge, finding it to be a healing and refreshing meditation.
Kathy, United States

Thanks so much for visiting Speak The Word Church International (Minneapolis). I am a baby boomer who sat with a GenXer - we both knew that what you said was right on. It made me think. I like that.
Norma Buchanan, United States

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