Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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London Cinema Church Growing Fast

Added Tuesday, November 16, 2010 View full list    Print version    
The UnitedLife church is pushing ahead with exciting plans to engage at every area of community life in its part of London.

The church meets every Sunday in a multiplex cinema in Sutton, a London suburb, and is about launch a new community centre complete with a well appointed cafe and other public facilities.

Led by Paul and Jillian Conrathe, the church has a strong commitment to shifting the culture of its region, through proactive engagement in major local needs.

Mal and Davina Fletcher recently visited the church where Mal addressed the Sunday service and a leaders' event.

Mal said: 'This was my first visit to this church, though I've known Paul for a little while.'

'Everyone knows of churches like Hillsong London, but few realise just how impacting lesser known churches like this one are becoming in London.'

'Paul comes from an interesting background. He's not only a church leader, but a human rights lawyer and he owns several schools for special needs children. His leadership team are obviously committed, as he is, to moving beyond the four walls of Sunday church.'

'I think we'll hear a lot more about UnitedLife in days to come!'

For more on UnitedLife click here.

Keywords: UnitedLife | UnitedLife church London | united life church london | paul conrathe

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