Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Prince William and Kate Middleton have announced there engagement.
Will the pageant and the national party that is a royal wedding overshadow the fact that a marriage is essentially a private relationship?
Will the advent of Twitter, Facebook, video sharing and camera phones that make everyone a potential paparazza put pressure on the newly weds?
Mal Fletcher discussed these questions and more in a BBC Radio interview today. Click here to download/stream.
Mal Fletcher discusses w/ BBC Radio Oxford, UK.
(For the full editorial on this site, click here.)
Keywords: royal wedding | royal engagement | royal engagements | prince william and katherine middelton engagement | prince william and kate engaged | bbc radio oxford interviews
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Hi Mal. I heard you last week on the radio when I was at work here in Amsterdam! Fun to hear your voice. Jolanda, Netherlands
I believe EDGES is a great thought-provoking program that does Christians proud. Sarah, Australia
Just read The Pioneer Spirit & I've been completely inspired. Thanks for your ongoing dedication to building the Kingdom & for your passion to making Jesus famous! Dale Newman, UK