Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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NLCC Shines On England's South Coast

Added Friday, October 22, 2010 View full list    Print version    
New Life Christian Church is a go-head church situated on England's south coast.

Mal Fletcher recently spoke at the church for the second time, addressing leaders followed by the main Sunday morning service.

The church community is well known for the quality of its music in worship, and for its commitment to mission at home and abroad. The team, headed by lead pastor Stan Warren, features several highly gifted and creative leaders who are committed to reaching their community and region with the hope of Christ's message.

The people responded with real enthusiasm and warmth to Mal's Sunday message, a variation on his Pioneer Spirit book, drawing out even further the characteristics of forerunner thinkers and activists.

After his visit, Mal said: 'This is not only one of the more picturesque parts of England, it's also the home to a true church of destiny. These people have their feet firmly on the ground but their faith in their future is inspiring.'

'In time to come, I think we might hear quite a lot about this group of people. Their music is second to none - and I've heard the best worldwide. They recently won a major British award for their latest album. And I like their passion for community engagement mixed with quality pastoral leadership and a full expression of spiritual gifts.'

For more on NLCC, visit

Keywords: new life christian church | new life christian church, england | nlcc, England

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Dear Mal & all at Next Wave International, thank you for the work you are doing in reaching out to Europe with Christ's love.
Tony Gibbs, United Kingdom

Every morning when I read Daily Recharge, God speaks to me so clearly through His word! I am so encouraged. Keep up the great work!
Sarah, Australia

My highest respect for Mal Fletcher and team. I truly admire the work you do for the Lord. So relevant to secular as well as Christian society. Well done everyone.
Pearl, United Kingdom

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