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Faith! Christian Church Moving Forward

Added Tuesday, September 22, 2009 View full list    Print version    
Sometimes, there's a special blessing to be found in visiting the significant places of one's youth.

On a very brief visit to Melbourne, Australia recently, Mal Fletcher spoke at Faith! Christian Church, which was the church of his boyhood - and where he commenced his work as a Christian minister more than 25 years ago.

The church operated under a different name back then and met in a much smaller building, but Mal recalled the time when he first made a commitment to Christ in a Sunday evening service.

On this visit, Mal and Davina's first for more than fifteen years, the church honoured them with a very warm welcome and a great hunger for the message Mal brought - on engagement with the future.

After the two morning services, Mal said: 'It was good to spend time with our friend Pastor Alun Davies again. His friendship has been an encouragement to me, especially so in the years surrounding our initial move to Europe back in the mid 90s.'

'It was also good to invest back into the spiritual house from which we came. My first ever sermon in church was preached in this congregation when I was 19 years old.'

'I spoke to around 80 people back then, but it felt to me like 800! Of course, the church has grown a lot since then - it has multiple campuses across the eastern region of Melbourne.'

For more on Faith! Christian Church, visit

Keywords: faith! christian church | faith christian church | melbourne | churches in melbourne | melbourne churches

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I have listened to several of the messages available on your website (thank you for making them accessible). They have revealed, expanded, and confirmed things in my heart and as a result I am much stronger as a Pastor and Leader.
Chris, USA

Your MasterClass in Spain was an amazing seminar and very spirit filled. It will come in good use for us in Spain.
Gudrun, Spain

A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I...
Lydiia, Australia

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