Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Stop Child Abuse - TV Interview

Added Tuesday, August 11, 2009 View full list    Print version    
Childhood is, in some areas, under real threat today, with pressures from an over-sexualized media environment to the threat of child abuse.

Mal Fletcher's EDGES TV programme looks at how we can better protect the innocents. In the short interview below a prominent children's campaigner speaks out.

Help make a stand for children. EMBED this short interview OR email/twitter your friends about it.

Full documentary at

Protect The Innocents
from EDGES w/ Mal Fletcher

Keywords: children | protect children | child abuse | edges | edges tv | documentary

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Thank you for your regular E-News newsletters, and for your article: Discover The Motion Behind Your Promotion. It was really encouraging.
Anisha, India

Thanks so much Mal and all the crew members of Next Wave international for your insights about life...
Michael Olowu, Nigeria

Mal, you are the man! Great insights on how to stay focused on the truth in a "post-Christian" society and present the message of Jesus in a relevant way to secularized Europeans. Keep it up!
Brad, United Kingdom

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