Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Church Without The Boring Bits

Added Wednesday, June 18, 2008 View full list    Print version    
'Church without the boring bits' - that's how the Proclaimers Church in Norwich, England, announces itself to the world.

Mal Fletcher, who visited to speak again recently, says: 'These guys are really living up to their marketing! This is one of the very least boring churches you'll ever see - anywhere...'

Mal was guest of Pastor Tom and Denise Rawls, and spoke at the church's men's conference. The event drew men from all walks of life, and from a number of churches.

Mal added: 'Tom and Denise have brought together a fantastic team of young leaders, who are being well grounded in what leadership is all about, without losing their creative edge or passion.'

'If you're anywhere near Norwich - you need to check out this church!'

For more on Proclaimers Church, visit

Keywords: proclaimers | proclaimers church | church | Tom Rawls | norwich | england

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Thank you for your article on Setting Your Sights on Revelation Not Human Motivation. It's rare to find a great revelation like this. I will keep checking here every month for your leadership series.
Michael, Australia

I really really value the Daily Recharge. I always feel it's God's wisdom straight to whatever situation I'm facing. I'm so grateful to God that you've brought such awesome encouragement over the years & for committing your life to it.
laura Michelle Kelly, United States

I started watching Edges on GOD TV. Very inspiring & informative programming. May God raise more creative missionaries like Mal Fletcher.
Joseph, India

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