Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Do you run an organization or business? Do you aspire to do more than make a profit? Do you want to add lasting value to people's lives and help move the future of society forward in a positive direction?
Here are Next Wave International, we are helping organizations of all shapes and sizes to do just that.
For more than 25 years, Mal Fletcher has been speaking to leadership groups across the globe. Today, he is in more demand than ever, addressing subjects such as 'Unlocking the Power of Media and New Media', 'The Changing Face of Communication', 'Generations: The Key to Long-Term Influence' and more.
If you're a leader, check the video below. If you'd like to know more, please visit (note: a major upgrade is occuring in the next couple of weeks.)
Keywords: business | consultant | media | new media | Mal Fletcher | organization | organisation | leader | leadership | communication | new communication | generations
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I love your "innocence vs ignorance" idea (Daily Recharge). We all can return to that place of innocence even if others have previously stolen it or we have lost it. Thanks for all your encouragement every morning.
laura kelly, United States
Hey, thanks for the great articles, it is a blessing to read you Paul, Norway
Your article about Daniel in Babylon is spot on. As 21st Century Christians our challenge is to find appropriate forums to join the conversation & refrain from adopting a defensive posture. Tom Rawls, United Kingdom