Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Five Ideas Radio Interview

Added Thursday, October 11, 2007 View full list    Print version    
'There are five major ideas that shape our culture today, and we're in danger of building fast machines to take us absolutely nowhere,' said Mal Fletcher in an interview this week on Cross Rhythms radio.

'Though we don't consciously dwell on these ideas, they shape almost all of our values and behaviour.'

In a thought-provoking and wide-ranging interview, drive-time presenter Jonathan Bellamy quizzed Mal about the implications of these ideas in areas including technology, morality and religion.

To hear or download the interview, click here.

Mal's new book, 'FIVE BIG IDEAS: Concepts That Shape Our Culture' is available from our webshop. Click here to find out more.

Keywords: Cross Rhythms | Jonathan Bellamy | Mal Fletcher | five big ideas |

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Your site is slick and very thought provoking.
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EDGES is a good show that provides lots of interesting thoughts on major everyday topics.
New Zealand

I enjoyed your program on aging. It's sad to see our young ones are not getting the opportunity to embrace aging and plan for it wisely.
Thea, Dutch West Indies

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