Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Olympic Stadium Event Features Mal Fletcher & Hillsong United

Added Thursday, September 13, 2007 View full list    Print version    
The Olympic Stadium in Holland will be the venue for one of the most exciting outreach and celebration events in Europe this year.

On Saturday, September 15, thousands of Dutch Christians will celebrate 100 years of the Pentecostal movement in the Netherlands, with an event that features speakers from around the world, including Randy Hurst (USA) and Mal Fletcher.

Also featured will be bands including Hillsong United, in what is billed as a major outreach opportunity for Amsterdam and beyond.

Over the years, Next Wave International has run and taken part in a number of major events in the Dutch capital. Mal says, 'I'm excited to be involved in this landmark event, as I know God has a great purpose for Amsterdam and for the Netherlands.'

He adds:'We would all appreciate the prayers of our friends around the world, as Amsterdam definitely needs a new presentation of Christ.'

Keywords: Olympic Stadium | Dutch Pentecostal | Hillsong United | Mal Fletcher | Randy Hurst

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