Hillsong Conference Europe
The Hillsong Europe conference comes to London's Excel Centre on October 10-13 2007.
In a recent letter to key Christian leaders across Europe, Mal Fletcher wrote: 'Over the past two decades, I have watched closely the growth of the Hillsong Conference, Sydney, from just a few hundred people to tens of thousands from around the world.'
'Some years ago, I suggested to my friend Brian Houston, founder of the Hillsong Conference, that he consider holding an event here in Europe (I know I wasn't the only one who thought that a good idea). Now in its second year, the European conference will again focus on establishing local churches.'
Pastor Gary Clark, leader of Hillsong Church, London, says that the goal of the conference is to build the local church, which is the hope for Europe's future.
Founder and host of the conference, Brian Houston, says, 'The heartbeat of this conference will never change. It will equip and empower leaders, teams and church members to build the one thing Jesus said he would build -- the answer to a world in need -- the church! We always consider it an honour and joy to host leaders and their people.'
You can register yourself and your team now, by clicking here or visiting hillsongconference.co.uk.
Keywords: Hillsong Conference | Hillsong Europe | Hillsong London | Brian Houston | Gary Clarke
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Mal, you have changed my life. Since you spoke at Get Smart Youth Conference in Wellington, in 2003, I have never been the same. I still have the tape & my heart & head are still coming to grips with what you said. The pioneer spirit. I LOVE IT!! Thank you so so so so much!
Kieran, New Zealand
I'm in the British Army and a very strong practicing Christian. Everything inside me is screaming ... we are now having to have multi-faith prayer rooms. Where will it end?
Dawn, United Kingdom
EDGES: what fantastic well presented programmes, with excellent answers to current issues. I have not come across anything like EDGES. I just want to absorb as much of the info as possible! Thankyou for such Godly insight.
Anon, UK
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