Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

More Mal Fletcher Books At Amazon (UK)

Added Friday, July 20, 2007 View full list    Print version    

Next Wave International is proud to announce that more of Mal Fletcher's books are now available at

Titles such as 'The Church of 2020' and 'The Future is X' are now available for the first time at Amazon, joining other popular titles such as 'Making God Famous', 'The Pioneer Spirit' and 'Get Real!' has established a fine reputation for fast service and we are delighted to see these titles on their site.

Of course, you can still purchase both books and e-books by Mal from our webshop and the webshop also allows access to the Amazon site.

For news on Mal's books on the popular e-book site,, click here.

Buy now! Click here.

** And watch for news on Mal's new book, 'Five Big Ideas: Ideas That Shape Our Culture', launching mid-August.

Keywords: Mal Fletcher | The Church of 2020 | Amazon | | mobipocket | Get Real | The Future is X | Next Wave International

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Your Feedback
Great to see the Ramalamadingdong animation again! I think your article on Debunking The Great Media Myths captures a number of the essences of why we need to adapt our styles as Christians to the way we use TV.
Tim, UK

I appreciated reading about the great visionary, Martin Luther King Jnr, in Daily Recharge...I'm an avid follower of Recharge, finding it to be a healing and refreshing meditation.
Kathy, United States

Hi there. I watched your EDGES programme today about fear. It was very interesting and was, I thought, presented in a very intelligent way.

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