Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Hillsong London -- Mother's Day

Added Wednesday, March 21, 2007 View full list    Print version    
It was Mother's Day and nobody knows how to celebrate these key moments in life like the people at Hillsong church, London.

In March, Mal Fletcher spoke again at this his home church and found a group of people who are passionate about changing one of Europe's major cities through the power of the Christian message.

In the morning, he brought a strong, prophetic message on 'Honouring Your Father and Mother', which was very well-received. Many people in the church had been asking how they can build a better relationship with their parents and this message was very timely.

Mal said: 'Many of our major social problems today can be traced back to tension between the generations.'

'I think a large part of the answer to these problems lies in the Scriptures which tell us to honour our parents.'

In the message, he described what the word honour actually means in the Christian Scriptures: literally, 'to add weight' or 'to make weighty'.

To honour somebody, he said, is to treat them as if they have real weight, significance and importance in your life. He then shared on how this was done, in practical terms, in the Bible.

In the evening service, Mal spoke to a packed Dominion Theatre about one of his favourite subjects -- making God famous! Many people came to Christ over the day.

For more on the work of Hillsong Church, London -- including news on the forthcoming Colour Conference -- go to:

Keywords: Mother's Day | Hillsong Church London | Hillsong, London | colour conference | colour conference, London | Mal Fletcher | Making God Famous | honour your parents

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Your site is really informative. Thank you for investing in the future. Love from South Africa...
Iain, South Africa

Mal, you're truly a man for this generation. I have the CD of a message you preached in Minneapolis. My wife sent it to me it has blessed me.Thanks a lot.
Leslie, Nigeria

Reading your messages serves as gas for the fire of my spirit. You always keep the gospel where it belongs and needed most - the world and secular thought life.
Christo, Bulgaria

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