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Spanish Conference With Prophetic Edge

Added Wednesday, December 14, 2005 View full list    Print version    
The south of Spain is well known for its beautiful beaches and tourist-friendly hotels, but it is also the home of a growing network of churches.

The Palabras de Poder (Words of Faith) Church, under the leadership of Pastor Juanito Jonson, is moving ahead with plans for major church growth through evangelism and leadership training.

Mal Fletcher spoke recently at the annual conference sponsored by the church and reports that there is a genuine hunger for change and breakthrough among the people.

'I have visited this conference once before and the church on another occasion,' he said. 'It was great to see a stronger than ever spirit of faith and expectation.'

'What is even more pleasing, in some ways, is the fact that people are really trying to plan and think strategically for change in the cities and towns of the region.'

'They're not simply hoping for "revival", but working for visible change in society. It's early days, but I have high hopes for this church.'

The church is hosting MasterClass 2006 in Spain, in February.

For more on MasterClass Spain, go to

For more on Palabras de Poda Church, go to

Keywords: Palabras de Poder | Mal Fletcher | news | Spain |

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