Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Faith Still Strong on America's East Coast

Added Tuesday, September 20, 2005 View full list    Print version    
Much has been written lately about the south and east coasts of America, especially in the light of Hurricane Katrina and the storm and hurricane threats which have followed it. (Read Mal Fletcher's editorial 'What Can We Learn From Katrina?' on this site).

At the same time, though, the faith of many Americans grows stronger.

Mal Fletcher spoke recently at the fast-growing WAVE Church in Virginia Beach, VA.

After a week of leadership lectures on Communication and Media, Mal spoke in the Sunday church sessions and found a community of faith which is growing quickly both numerically and in its confidence and sense of mission – to its city and its nation.

‘Wave Church is really on the move,’ Mal reported. ‘It is attracting attention from people across Virginia Beach and further afield, because of its positive, faith-filled attitude to meeting needs and redefining the way church is “done” in America.’

‘If anyone doubts that Christian faith is alive in the most positive sense in America, they need to visit WAVE Church. It represents a new breed of American church.’

Pastors Steve and Sharon Kelly are good friends of Mal and Davina Fletcher and WAVE Church is a Core Partner in the work of Next Wave International.

For more on WAVE Church and its many church and community programs and WAVE Leadership College, visit

You and/or your Church can join WAVE Church and other cutting edge churches and Christians in support of the mission of Next Wave International across Europe and beyond. Click here to find out how.

Keywords: Social comment | Mal Fletcher | Virginia Beach | Wave church | Steve Kelly | Katrina | Hurricane Katrina

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Hi Mal and team. The article on the Danish cartoons is well written.
Lance, Australia

Mal, I heard you speak at Hillsong London. It was awesome! I was saved on this very day last year and have been on fire for the Lord ever since. God bless
Bianca, Australia

EDGES is a good show that provides lots of interesting thoughts on major everyday topics.
New Zealand

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