Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
The Hillsong Church, Sydney continues to grow and influence life right across Australia and beyond.
During his intensive month-long speaking tour of Australia, Mal Fletcher spoke five times at the Hillsong Church and said later: "Pastor Brian and Bobbie Huston and their team continue to lead one of the world's truly remarkable churches. Having been associated with the church, as a friend, from its early days, I can testify to its remarkable growth in both size and influence. In Australia, the church is having a growing impact in all areas of life in the mainstream."
A recent half-hour documentary programme on Australian TV provided a very insightful report on the growth of the church and featured Pastor Brian and his family in a very positive light. Mal's visit to the church was greatly appreciated by all, as he brought a message of forward-looking prophetic significance for the life of the church at this point in time.
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I read your daily recharge every day. It comes up as my home page every time I log on. It's amazing how spot on every word has been in encouraging me as I try to move forward in my industry. laura kelly, United Kingdom
Hey Mal. As part of Gen X I'm truly inspired to make God famous.. Blessing, Zimbabwe
I am an Italian pastor with a vision to plant churches in my nation. Please pray for me, my family and my church. God Bless You!
Saverio, Italy