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20,000 (Hungry) Finns at Helsinki Conference

Added Wednesday, August 11, 2004 View full list    Print version    
Many people have an image of the Finnish as a race of conservative and quiet individuals, who don't like to think big or take risks. Mal Fletcher was the main speaker at the Vision Conference held in Helsinki's large Ice Stadium in July. An estimated 20,000 people attended the event at some time during its five days.

Mal said later: 'There's a new breed of Finn emerging in the church! These people are passionate about the Lord, hungry for the word of God and determined to have influence on a large scale. This great conference is not only a blessing to the church, it is a statement to a city and nation, and it can in time become a model to Europe as a whole. Christians can accomplish enormous things when the churches decide to unite behind a huge purpose.'

The annual conference is hosted by a visionary network of churches from many denominations, including free charismatics, Lutherans, evangelicals and Pentecostals. Pastor Rauno Kokkola of the Greater Helsinki Church leads this growing network. Rauno is a man of great vision and is widely respected as a man of faith. Mal preached at most of the main night sessions during the event and an estimated 20,000 different people attended the event at some time. Scores were saved and many hundreds packed the front for prayer.

Mal said, 'It was an honour to share at this great event. I believe the word God gave me was truly prophetic for this nation at this particular time.' Other speakers included Pastor Ulf Ekman (Sweden). The event was also given a very positive 'wrap' on the TV news, with Mal participating in press conferences and interviews for TV, print and national radio.
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Re: 'The Cashless Society' TV show... with rising crime rates & the threat of terrorism many people would welcome RFID technology, the cashless society & one world government to solve our problems. Should we be more aware of what they might be getting themselves into?
david, United Kingdom

I want to commend you for the good work you are doing. I'm a 28 year old minister [in Ghana] whom God has called to ... bring together God's people to fight against issues that are killing the youth of today. [My ministry] would like to affiliate itself with your ministry.
prophet alfred , Ghana

Thanks for putting your free podcasts on your website. Spread the word! Tonight I listened to 'Living with Excellence' - a fantastic message, professionally delivered with humour, clarity and compassion. Thank you Mal!
Christer, United Kingdom

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