Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

London Relocation

Added Tuesday, June 22, 2004 View full list    Print version    
The relocation of Next Wave International™ to London is set for August 2004. This is a major move, and we thank our partners for their prayers.

Mal Fletcher says, 'We are grateful to all of our partners for their prayers right now. Obviously, moving between cities would be a large enough challenge, but moving countries much more so. God is with us in this move, but we need the help and financial support of our alliance partners. I'd like to personally ask our partners to consider taking a special offering for this mission over the next month or so. I know that we're about to see much bigger breakthroughs for the gospel and Christian influence in the mainstream over the next year or so. We need to be set up in advance of it all.'

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Your Feedback
I think yours was the best and most succinct critique I've yet read on 'The Da Vinci Code'. As you say, we can still use it as a platform for presenting the real gospel.
Ann , Australia

Thank you for your ministry. It encourages me to be bold, thoughtful and courageous about my faith.
Jason, Australia

Since the inception of your program and website, I have been more enlightened with the world around me.

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