Never A Better Time To Help Europe
With the recent expansion of the EU to include ten new members states, the total number of people covered under that umbrella now exceeds 450 million. Despite its heavy bureaucracy, Europe has little real sense of its identity.
Mal Fletcher says, 'In many ways, Europe has lost its soul - largely because it has abandoned its Christian heritage. There are 250,000 cities, towns and villages in Europe that have no Christian church. In the draft constitution of the EU, God does not even rate a mention. Europe is not Christian any more - but God has not finished with Europe yet!' As Mal says, 'Mission is not just for Africa or Asia! God loves to do great things where people say, "it can't be done".' Help us to change the future of Europe, through a one-off donation or a monthly partner pledge.
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Mal, thanks for sacrificing your spare time to visit us at Newcastle CLC! Your insight into our current culture & your passion for acting upon the calling of Christ on our lives has inspired a young church in one of the best parts of Europe!
David Wright, United Kingdom
Dear Mal & all at Next Wave International, thank you for the work you are doing in reaching out to Europe with Christ's love.
Tony Gibbs, United Kingdom
Hi Mal, just wanted to say thanks for the awesome word of God you preached at Faith Camp, it really blessed my life!
Ross, United Kingdom
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