Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Operation: Influence

Added Sunday, June 6, 2004 View full list    Print version    
Operation: Influence, which takes place in the European autumn, will kick off with a MasterClass event in Kassell (Germany) before moving on to Sheffield (UK) and Lisbon (Portugal). The goal of Operation: Influence is to lift the profile of churches in the wider community. Following the European events, the first ever Australian MasterClass will be held in Melbourne.

Each of these MasterClass events will feature a special focus on communication, media, generational ministry, cultural shifts and leadership. Guest speakers from various corners of the world will join Mal for the teaching and we aim to up to 1000 pastors and leaders equipped during the sessions overall. For more, check out the MasterClass section at
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Reading your messages serves as gas for the fire of my spirit. You always keep the gospel where it belongs and needed most - the world and secular thought life.
Christo, Bulgaria

Thanks for the message you gave at The Gathering. It was prophetic for this generation and really made me look at some aspects of our culture in a different light.
Caroline, UK

Hey, thanks for the great articles, it is a blessing to read you
Paul, Norway

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