Taking 'TIME OUT' for New TV Production
Over recent months, Next Wave International's media team has put together a series of new spots for TV called 'TIME OUT with Mal Fletcher.' Each short spot features Mal speaking on a major life issue, such as family, emotions, mentoring, sexuality or integrity. The spots will be offered to Christian TV broadcasters in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and parts of Asia.
Meanwhile, the number of radio stations taking Mal's GODSPOTS increases all the time, with most being downloaded direct from the Internet. If you are of radio programmer and would like permission to use Mal's free radio spots, simply go to: www.malfletcher.com/godspots
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Thanks for your visit to St. Louis & the thoughtful messages you brought. I am challenged to be a city on a hill, and to not be hidden.
Perhaps on your next visit, you could join in the push-up contest or drive the motorcycle. Best wishes for continued success.
John, United States
A great article on 'Hybrid Stem Cell Research'! It is not only highly relevant to current research but also shows how just a little initial compromise will eventually cause an unstoppable downslide in ethical standards with irreversible outcomes.
Ann, Australia
I want to commend you for the good work you are doing. I'm a 28 year old minister [in Ghana] whom God has called to ... bring together God's people to fight against issues that are killing the youth of today. [My ministry] would like to affiliate itself with your ministry.
prophet alfred , Ghana
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