Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Operation: Influence

Added Wednesday, March 31, 2004 View full list    Print version    
Next Wave International is launching a special focus on leadership throughout the European autumn of 2004, with one simple goal: to lift the influence of European churches in the wider community. The major focus of Operation: Influence will be a series of major leadership MasterClasses in the UK, Scandinavia, central Europe and Eastern Europe.

Over the past few years, NWI's MasterClasses have trained more than 1500 pastors and leaders across Europe. The first of the Operation: Influence MasterClasses will be held in the city of Kassell, Germany, on October 6-7. It will feature Mal Fletcher and Bayless Conley, senior past of Cottonwood Christian Centre in Los Angeles. Around 200 pastors and team members are expected from across the German speaking nations. The event is co-sponsored by the 'Answers with Bayless Conley' TV broadcasts, seen in Germany on MSNBC.

For details on this and other MasterClass events during Operation: Influence, including the first Australian MasterClass, go to
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Since the inception of your program and website, I have been more enlightened with the world around me.

Having heard Mal speak at Hillsong Australia, I paid your websites a visit. I find your EDGES programs inspiring and educational. Thanks.
Anon, Australia

Hey Mal, I'm in Melbourne & grabbed your book Making God Famous. I was inspired as you told the story of leaving Youth Alive & going to Europe. People who maintain their passion are an encouragement to us all.
Gerry, Australia

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