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Congratulations To Dean And Sara!

Added Friday, March 5, 2004 View full list    Print version    
'Congratulations!' and, in a sense, 'goodbye' to our good friend Dean Worth. Dean is marrying Sara in Copenhagen on March 6 and we ask our partners to pray for a great wedding and, even more importantly, a wonderful start to married life for these two great people.

Just prior to his wedding, Dean is set to take up a position with one of Denmark's leading Internet companies.

Mal says, 'Of course, we are sad to lose a man like Dean. He has made such an important contribution to this ministry, especially on the Internet, and has become a friend. But the timing is right. Dean has given us a slice of his life, he put aside personal comfort for the Kingdom, and he's enjoying divine favour as a result. We thank God for him.'

Congratulations Dean and Sara.
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Your Feedback
Mal, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for your wisdom & grace in writing the article on why Christian leaders sometimes fail. I'm sure it has helped many people to be able to answer questions from others...
Margaret, South Africa

Mal, you were recently in Grenoble (France) for a conference. I appreciated your teaching very much & look forward to reading Five Big Ideas!
BONNAZ, France

I'm 21 & I'd just like to say what an excellent programme you've created, in EDGES. In a world where image is everything, a lack of excellence often distracts people from the main point.
Ben, United Kingdom

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