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Four Hundred Passionate Pastors in Riga

Added Friday, June 20, 2003 View full list    Print version    
Four hundred pastors and leaders attended a conference with Mal Fletcher, sponsored by Creative Management International based in Riga.

The conference focussed on building churches and ministries around contemporary values. The leader of the Pentecostal churches in Latvia said, 'Mal has taught us things here that others have not dared to say. It has been a very timely visit.'

Doug Cameron, leader of Creative Management Int. and Mission Finance, is planning initiatives to see a wide-scale, long-term outreach to the Gen-X adult culture in Riga. The city recently hosted the Eurovision Song Contest and is fast becoming westernised in its outlook and approach to life. Three churches in Riga number in the thousands and each one of them has a strong vision for taking the city.

Mal said later, 'I ask all of our friends and partners to pray for Riga, for Latvia and for the Russian-speaking world. It is virgin soil - we need to see more pioneers there!'
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I want to congratulate Mal & the Edges team for excellent & uplifting material; it has meant so much for me in an age of God-less entertainment.
Rikus, UK

We at Airport Church praise God for you and endeavour to make your work of excellence known.
Peter, United Kingdom

Mal,every morning at the office I start my day with your thought provoking Daily Recharge. It is really recharging for the day ahead!!! God bless you!!!
Christo, Bulgaria

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