Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

2 Leadership Consultations for Europe!

Added Tuesday, February 29, 2000 View full list    Print version    
The New Millenium - we're here at last! A new century is upon us. These are exciting times and we face some unique challenges.

THIS IS THE TIME for Christian leaders to think ahead about what kind of impact we want to make across Europe for the long-term. The decisions we make today determine where we will be in ten years' time.

THIS IS THE TIME to build strategies to give us influence with new generations.

THIS IS THE TIME to form alliances across nations, so that Europe is reached with the gospel.

This year, Next W@ve International sponsors two major leadership network meetings:
- The STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP CONSULTATION, which brings together key Senior Church Leaders and Leaders of Church Networks: April 27-29
- The EURO YOUTH EVENTS (EYE) network, which brings together major national and regional youth leaders from across Europe: April 28-30

These meetings have been a great success in year's past. They allow leaders to:
- BUILD ALLIANCES across national and denominational lines
- INVESTIGATE CHALLENGES facing new generations and the church
- DEVELOP THE 'BIG PICTURE' regarding what is happening in our culture and what God is doing today

This year we again feature THEMES which are of special interest to church leaders across Europe in an interractive forum atmosphere.

If you would like to view the BROCHURE for each event, you can do so using Adobe Acrobat Reader (available for free download: (Click Here)



These are not open conferences, but if you would like information on who may attend, please drop us an e-mail: Next Wave International
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The Daily Recharge has really changed my life!
Nosi Mayan, South Africa

I absolutely agree with you Mal on the danger of elevating of our leaders. There is something in man to want 'a king'. It's present in our current celebrity culture. It's curious when we see it in the world and it's pathetic when we see it in Christendom.
Michael Staires, United States

Mal, I saw you at Hillsong London and since then have visited your site a few times. Really enjoy your work. Very useful insights and content.
Bernard, UK

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