Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Fascinating Times
A Social Commentary

by Mal Fletcher

The social issues of our age have the power to provoke either curiosity or fear – both aspects of what it means to ‘fascinate’. FASCINATING TIMES takes a sharp-eyed look at some of the major technological and social challenges of our time and explores their potential impact on social ethics and the future of society. The human impact of new technologies and shifting medical ethics, the long-term effects of recession, the future of media and the press, the changing face of consumerism, the future shape of marriage – these are just a few of the issues explored. Extras include: Group Study Guide, Personal Reading Guide, Online Media Resources.

Note: This book is available only in e-book form, via Amazon Kindle. You do not need to own a Kindle to read it. To download free software for almost ANY digital device, click here.

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Five Big Ideas: Concepts That Shape Our Culture
by Mal Fletcher

Also available for AMAZON KINDLE at Amazon Kindle Store.

In a world of increasing complexity, we need to be alert to the ideas that shape our values and behaviour. There are five big ideas that shape today's increasingly globalised culture. Though we seldom dwell on them consciously or deliberately, these powerful concepts often shape our responses to the big questions of life. Mal Fletcher shows how these dominant concepts differ from those that underpin the kingdom of God announced by Jesus Christ, and shows how we can shape the culture more than it shapes us. Includes a further study guide, plus recommended reading and viewing lists (92 pages). Other e-book versions also available (see below).


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5 Copies: Special price £4.10 ea

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10 Copies: Special price £3.99 ea

+ £13.00 postage & handling

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Paperback also available from:

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The Church of 2020
by Mal Fletcher

If we don't invent the future someone else's vision of the future will reinvent us. Contemporary church is great, but it's not enough: we are in touch with the times so that we can become prophetic, ahead of the times. The Church of 2020 is a truly prophetic book -- futurism at its best. It outlines some of the likely changes coming to our world and shows how Christians and church leaders can proactively shape the future of cities. E-book version also available (see below).


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

5 Copies: Special price £4.10 ea

+ £7.50 postage & handling

10 Copies: Special price £3.99 ea

+ £13.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

Paperback also available from:

PDF excerpt

The Future Is X
by Mal Fletcher

Gen-Xers are now filling major positions of influence in business, media, entertainment, education, law, politics and the church. If you count yourself a member of this unique generation, you must grab the opportunity for influence while you can. With some help from above, you can take your generational identity and personality, submit them to a higher promise and call, and realign the history of the world. E-book version also available (see below).


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

Paperback also available from:

PDF excerpt

Making God Famous
Equipping Christians for Influence in a Postmodern World
by Mal Fletcher

Many people in today's western world are not only open to the idea that there may be a God; they're positively curious about what he is like! As Christians, says Mal Fletcher, our primary call is to challenge the world-view of our time and "make God famous". We need to reveal what God is like, in away that relates to real people and answers real questions. E-book version also available (see below).


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

Paperback also available from:

  MUSICA para CRISTO (Spanish)
  Adullam Publishing (German)
  Paiva Publishing (Finnish)
  Kasevich Publishing (Russian)

PDF excerpt

The Pioneer Spirit
Redesigning the Future Through the Power of Faith
by Mal Fletcher

Christians are not called to celebrate the past, says Mal Fletcher, but to redesign the future - in line with the values of God's kingdom. To do this, we will need to think strategically, live passionately and release all of our God-given creativity. For centuries, the church produced some of the most transformative pioneers in history. It is time to re-dig those wells and release again the pioneer spirit. E-book version also available (see below).


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

Paperback also available from:

  Paiva Publishing (Finnish)

PDF excerpt

The Joseph Chronicles
by Mal Fletcher

In The Joseph Chronicles, Mal Fletcher looks at the journey that carried Joseph from humble beginnings into the house of Pharaoh. You'll see how Joseph refused to give anyone but God the right to decide what he would become, and you'll learn how Joseph chose to see everything, including his toughest challenges, as being in God's safe hands and a part of God's ultimate purpose for his life.


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

PDF excerpt

Burning Questions
by Mal Fletcher

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get the answers you want? This book will point you in the right direction. You'll be amazed at the range of vital issues it covers: from choosing a career to saving the planet, making money, keeping fit, feeding the poor, equal rights, homosexuality, astrology and abortion - it's all here. Mal Fletcher tackles the issues your generation are concerned about and comes up with some convincing answers.
E-book version also available (see below).


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.


e-Books are available for immediate download from Amazon Kindle and/or
for your PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone or eReader.

Fascinating Times
A Social Commentary

by Mal Fletcher

The social issues of our age have the power to provoke either curiosity or fear – both aspects of what it means to ‘fascinate’. FASCINATING TIMES takes a sharp-eyed look at some of the major technological and social challenges of our time and explores their potential impact on social ethics and the future of society. The human impact of new technologies and shifting medical ethics, the long-term effects of recession, the future of media and the press, the changing face of consumerism, the future shape of marriage – these are just a few of the issues explored. Extras include: Group Study Guide, Personal Reading Guide, Online Media Resources.

Note: This book is available via Amazon Kindle but you do not need to own a Kindle to read it. To download free software for almost ANY digital device, click here.

Click on the relevant link below to buy Fascinating Times now.

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Five Big Ideas:
Concepts That Shape Our Culture

Also available for AMAZON KINDLE at Amazon Kindle Store.

In a world of increasing complexity, we need to be alert to the ideas that shape our values and behaviour. There are five big ideas that shape today's increasingly globalised culture. Though we seldom dwell on them consciously or deliberately, these powerful concepts often shape our responses to the big questions of life. Mal Fletcher shows how these dominant concepts differ from those that underpin the kingdom of God announced by Jesus Christ, and shows how we can shape the culture more than it shapes us. Includes a further study guide, plus recommended reading and viewing lists.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

The Church of 2020
by Mal Fletcher

If we don't invent the future someone else's vision of the future will reinvent us. Contemporary church is great, but it's not enough: we are in touch with the times so that we can become prophetic, ahead of the times. The Church of 2020 outlines some of the major changes coming to our world and shows how Christians and church leaders can proactively shape the future of cities.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

The Future Is X
by Mal Fletcher

Gen-Xers are now filling major positions of influence in business, media, entertainment, education, law, politics and the church. If you count yourself a member of this unique generation, you must grab the opportunity for influence while you can. With some help from above, you can take your generational identity and personality, submit them to a higher promise and call, and realign the history of the world.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

Making God Famous
Equipping Christians for Influence in a Postmodern World
by Mal Fletcher

First time in e-book form! Many people in today's western world are not only open to the idea that there may be a God; they're positively curious about what he is like! As Christians, says Mal Fletcher, our primary call is to challenge the world-view of our time and "make God famous". We need to reveal what God is like, in away that relates to real people and answers real questions.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

The Pioneer Spirit
Redesigning the Future Through the Power of Faith
by Mal Fletcher

First time in e-book form! Christians are not called to celebrate the past, says Mal Fletcher, but to redesign the future - in line with the values of God's kingdom. To do this, we will need to think strategically, live passionately and release all of our God-given creativity. For centuries, the church produced some of the most transformative pioneers in history. It is time to re-dig those wells and release again the pioneer spirit.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

Burning Questions
by Mal Fletcher

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get the answers you want? This book will point you in the right direction. You'll be amazed at the range of vital issues it covers: from choosing a career to saving the planet, making money, keeping fit, feeding the poor, equal rights, homosexuality, astrology and abortion - it's all here. Mal Fletcher tackles the issues your generation are concerned about and comes up with some convincing answers.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

PDF excerpt

Get Real!
by Mal Fletcher

One of Mal's classic books, now available as an e-Book! The greatest need in churches at present is the need for help in training youth for effective leadership. Many start out with great dreams but sadly, because of inadequate preparation, their fire dies out before it can really be channelled into leadership.

Immediate download after payment. MobiPocket formats for PCs, PDAs, Smartphones & EReaders

Click here

[ DVDs ]

More Information
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EDGES™ with Mal Fletcher
Social Issues

Terrorism: What motivates a terrorist and is there any real hope for ending the fear? Privacy: In the age of Big Brother, is there any future for personal privacy and why is it important? Racism, Nationalism & Xenophobia: What are the origins of this crippling social problem and how can we work against it? Just how far should we go with nationalistic spirit?


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NOTE: Only available in PAL format (suits UK, Europe, Australia for example). Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

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EDGES™ with Mal Fletcher
Science & Technology

Euthanasia: Is euthanasia really the most humane response to suffering, and where will it lead in future generations? Robotics: Where are sciences like robotics and nanorobotics taking us, and how might they affect what makes us uniquely human? Technology & Alienation: How is technology impacting the way we relate to each other, to our world, and to God?


+ £2.00 postage & handling

NOTE: Only available in PAL format (suits UK, Europe, Australia for example). Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

More Information
More Info

EDGES™ with Mal Fletcher
The Truth Is Out There

The Supernatural: Is there any truth in stories about ghost-sightings, channelled spirits and other phenomena? Are there any dangers behind the hype? Life After Death: We don't talk about it everyday, yet death is a subject we find strangely fascinating. Is death really the end? Aliens: Are We Alone? Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? If so, what is it like and what could an ancient book like the Bible have to say about it?


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NOTE: Only available in PAL format (suits UK, Europe, Australia for example). Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, especially if outside Europe.

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Your Feedback
I've just finished watching your EDGES program about morals. I really enjoyed it, I feel morals are constantly being eroded away...God created sex for marriage, it's not a toy for exploitation by the media ...Keep up the good work.
Mario, Australia

Mal, I so enjoy your teachings. Europe truly is the dark continent.

I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face.

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