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A REAL Christmas Story

19 December 2006

Every year, TV schedules are filled with programmes that are ostensibly 'Christmas specials'.

We're invited to watch everything from Christmas versions of soaps, to seasonal editions of reality shows and comedies.

This year, why not take a few minutes to watch a real Christmas story: the story of the world's most amazing book?

It's the book that tells us about Christ and his work on behalf of all humanity.

Murder, sex, mystery, intrigue... It's got it all. This book has shaped languages & cultures and despite many attempts to descredit it through the centuries, it is today's worldwide #1 bestseller... and it has an interesting back-story.

Watch 'The World's Most Amazing Book', a 14-minute Internet Special drawn from EDGES with Mal Fletcher.

To watch, click on the image above.

To see the larger screen version, click here (you can also embed the video into your website).

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