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National Leadership Comes Alive In Lima, Peru

22 June 2004

According to some studies the fastest growing national church in South America today is the church in Peru. Peru is a developing country that is still emerging from many years under the control of a military regime. Mal Fletcher was recently guest speaker at the national FIPAC conference in Lima.

The conference, led by Pastor Humberto Lay Sun, brought together evangelical and Pentecostal/charismatic church leaders from across the nation. Some of the four hundred daytime delegates had travelled for up to 18 hours in buses to attend this landmark event. The night sessions attracted hundreds more and the atmosphere was alive with a sense of anticipation. Pastor Steve Kelly, of Virginia Beach Christian Life Centre, USA, was the other major guest speaker.

After the event, Mal said: 'What really impressed me about these leaders was that I was talking about such things as the difference between modernist thinking and the post-modern mindset, and the shift in international culture away from a Christian worldview, and these people were just lapping it all up and coming back for more! Clearly, these people are serious about seeing Christianity change the culture of their nation.' Pastor Humberto is recognised as the father of the evangelical church in Peru. Mal adds, 'He carries the mantle of a true father in the faith and a man passionate about redesigning the future of his nation.' Please pray for the churches of Lima and Peru!

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