Next Wave International™

Daily Recharge
Mal Fletcher

Two Kingdoms

20 April 2024

Ephesians 4:1 '… live a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.' (New Living Translation)

In the battle of the two kingdoms, the system of this world versus the values of heaven, we are constantly confronted with a stark choice. We can either live a life that is worthy of our earthly citizenship, or a life that is worthy of our heavenly calling. Our decisions will be shaped either by our social conditioning, or by our sovereign calling. There is no middle ground. If you are a Christian believer, your primary citizenship is not of this world. You are first and foremost a citizen of heaven. Sometimes, being a citizen of heaven will demand that do things that will not sit well with your natural culture. I am Australian, but I am a Christian first. My first allegiance is not to my nation or natural culture, but to my God and the kingdom culture that transcends national boundaries. Nationalism and patriotism can be positive things – our national heritage helps to define who we are. But they can be dangerous, if we get them out of proportion. I can love my country, but I must love God more. Today, you may face pressure to behave in certain ways that you know run counter to your faith, just because your culture expects it of you. Take the high road and don't let the culture of the world squeeze you into its mould.

Prayer: 'Father, today I need your strength and wisdom so that I walk according to my calling and not just my conditioning. Help me to live like a Christian first. Above all else, I want my life to point to heaven.'

© Mal Fletcher 2003-2004

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