Next Wave International™

Leadership & Life

Creating The Buzz In Your Circle
Mal Fletcher

Winning the Battle for Influence - Part 3

We live in an age where people are increasingly influenced by the power of trends, especially trends within their circle of friendships and acquaintances.

In many ways, this is understandable. Surrounded as we are by so much hype and commercialism, we tend to listen more to word-of-mouth comments from our friends than what advertisers tell us. Suspicious of commercial advertising, we prefer to rely on advice and tips from those we know we can trust.

In short, we listen to 'buzz' -- informal information about products and ideas.

The world of business is now waking up to the power of 'buzz'. In the late 1980s, I was leading Youth Alive Australia. We wanted to find out how to increase the reach of this great national ministry, through mass media marketing. I visited one of the nation's leading advertising 'gurus' who, as it happened, was a Salvation Army man. He gave me some very good advice.

'Never forget that you have something that major corporations would do almost anything to get,' he said. 'You have a bunch of people who would live and die for their message! That's the best kind of advertising there is.'

Some companies today pay big money to hire consultants who can help them create 'buzz' in the marketplace. If any group of people should be ahead of the pack when it comes to creating buzz, it should be the church!

In the Bible, creating 'buzz' is called 'evangelism'. Interestingly, many corporations are now hiring what they're calling Company Evangelists - people who will passionately spread the word about their products.

Research into 'buzz' has revealed that word-of-mouth advertising doesn't just happen - it can be created.

Before the Trivial Pursuit game was launched at an American Toy Fair in 1983, the people behind the game devised a simple strategy to get peoples' attention. They sent out hand-written, personally addressed envelopes to several hundred key buyers in the toy industry a few weeks before the trade show.

Inside each envelope was a little card with the Trivial Pursuit logo and a random card from the game. People started 'buzzing' about these cards. What were they? Where did they come from? It helped get the game off the ground with a bang.

Some people become the real 'buzz' creators in their circle. They're the ones to whom others will go for information and advice. Sometimes, they're called 'hubs' because they are the key points of connection between a group of people and a new idea.

To win the battle for influence in your world, you must become the 'buzz creator' in your circle of friends and acquaintances. You must get the gospel message and the values of God's kingdom back on people's agenda.

You can get people talking about Christian ideas. Research shows that 'buzz' is created about a new idea/product when:

  1. It delivers what it promises (it is a good idea/product). The gospel does work - you just need to show people how it is changing you! Put yourself in situations where the gospel just has to come through for you!

  2. It is visible (nobody gets excited about a product they can't see). Don't hide your faith, or make it just another lifestyle 'option'.

  3. It contains something useful (people can use it to see results from right away). Show how useful your faith is -- in helping with your decision-making, for example, or in building friendships, or handling money.

  4. There's a little bit of mystery in it (it's not too easy to come by). Show the risk and cost of the gospel: whatever your need, live for the Kingdom first, and let others see how God blesses that.

  5. People have a sneak preview of what it will do for them. Let people 'preview' what God can do for them. For example, you can pray with them about specific problems or needs - and watch God show up!

  6. It is not too predictable (it's a bit outrageous). Show that Christianity is not 'safe'.When God's vision really takes hold of your life, it can take you to places you'd never thought you'd go! God loves to do things through you that people say can't be done.

  7. People can get inside information about it (people love go 'behind the scenes' and see how it's done). Be real and accessible. Let people see how you actually incorporate the gospel into your life, how you plug in to its power source (e.g. let them 'catch you' reading your Bible in lunch-break).

  8. It features a story with a hero (a charismatic leader). Tell people your personal story and introduce them to others who really live heroically for the Lord. Lend them books about/by your Christian heroes.

  9. It can be passed on easily to others (people love to receive something as a gift and to be able to pass it on). Give people something helpful which they can easily give away -- eg. some practical Bible wisdom on a problem or issue.
Because your gospel is tailor-made to change lives and to be passed on, you can become the 'buzz' creator in your circle. Once you do that, others will come to you for advice. Then, you can truly begin to influence your world for Christ, more than your world influences you!

© Mal Fletcher 2003

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