Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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In Australia, Next Wave International operates as Next Wave International Inc., ABN: 16 436 583 746.

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Mal Fletcher Media Appeal
Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC
Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
Hey Mal and the guys at NWI!! Just to say thank heaps for all the work that you are doing! A special thanks to Mal for coming to LIFT this year - your messages were just awesome!
Abs, United Kingdom

I have visited your website and have fallen in love with all that you are doing!
Pastor Dennis, Russia

Mal, I heard you speak at Kings Church in Wales. First class! Top draw...
Paul, United Kingdom

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